Thursday, July 16, 2009

Sweet Sweet Blog Love

We've been fortunate enough to generate some positive feedback in the Blogospherical arena of the Twin Cities theater scene. First up is the illustrious Matthew Everett playwright, critic, and Fringe blogger extraordinaire. With his mother at his side, he navigates through the good, bad, and ugly of each year's Fringe, posting tons of quippy and thoughtful reviews. You know you've made it in Fringe when you have a glowing Matthew Everett quote to put on your page. He also covers the Fringe for All, where Katherine Glover (whose show is directed by QCT's Rachel Teagle) did a preview of A Cynic Tells Love Stories which garnered a very nice review from the aforementioned Mr. Everett. BUT! Mr. Everett was kind (and awesome) enough to sneak in a plug for our Pre-Fringe Appetizers Show at the end of the article, which made me cheer at my desk. So, to Matthew, have a baby panda, on us.

But that's not the only love we're getting. The incomparable phillip andrew bennet low was kind (and awesome) enough to spotlight us in A Pre-Fringe Pre-Fringe Profile, in which Ben and I give snarky answers to his snarky questions. It's pretty awesome. Like Phil, who's currently on the road with The Rise of General Arthur his solo show about the Gulf War and Arthurian mythology. You can follow his delightful and perilous journey on his Production Blog which is full of delightful tidbits of the wit, political venom, and self deprecation that make Phil one of our favorites.

So thank you, awesome blog-folk. You are our bamboo.

FIVE FREAKING DAYS LEFT UNTIL WE OPEN!!! And I, personally, have passed my panic point and am going into nervous glee. We have an awesome show for you folks. And on opening night, we have an awesome Afterparty! with bands, comedy, improv, and more!!
So come see the show (IN FIVE DAYS!!! EEE!!)

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